New Way to discover in Google Maps. | Generative AI in Maps.
New Way to discover in Google Maps : Map's launched a new way to search anything to get the exact result user's wanting in their local areas. Actively there are more than 1 billion monthly google maps users worldwide. So, This new generative ai in map is going to help more than billion user's in a month with exact result they searching in a second. It is pretty simple to understand like if you search for bike showroom near me then it is not going to show you exact model you want to buy and stuffs like that which you really want but if you search like BMW S1000RR then it is going to give you the nearest place where you can buy this bike and services around this bike. This new feature also include curated recommendation which recommend user's for best services among all of others. Any feature with inbuilt AI is going to make user's experience more easier and greater then ever. As you know Google is always there for user's and it is one of the best ideas ever from it to make user more satisfied before going to any place or trying something new in newer place with no hesitation for sure.
Source : Google |
APK teardown done by Android Authority mention Generative AI in the google maps beta version. The code is going to help others to find out the feature that is coming in future and making it more easier to use by normal user's.